Freemasonry is one of the oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations in the world.
For many, it’s a really enjoyable hobby – and a huge amount of fun for our members, and their families. Freemasonry is open to everybody – and we always welcome new members. Talking to a Freemason will give you a better understanding of what Freemasonry is and they really will want to talk to you about it.
Freemasonry is based on many principles mainly Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Tolerance.
As with other organisations, it is important to evolve and embrace change to remain relevant today and the membership of this ancient fraternity have managed just that.
As Freemasons we celebrate diversity and are inclusive of not only our members but also the communities in which we serve.
(C) Copyright The Lodge of St Giles & St Luke No. 6668